Top Scoring Defenses After Week 7

Stamford did not play last week, so they keep the top spot, but Albany is the new number two after shutting out Miles.

Jim Ned and Roscoe stay in the top five, with Hawley joining the party, moving up from six to four after shutting out Colorado City.

Hamliln moves up a spot from six to five, Abilene High jumps from ten to seven, De Leon stays at eight, Brownwood is back in the top ten at nine, and Comanche stays in the top ten but falls from the five spot last week.

On the six-man side of things, the top three teams stay the same: Westbrook, Knox City, and Benjamin. And all three decreased their points allowed per game average from week six to week seven.

Rising Star moves up one place from five to four, and Zephyr jumps into the top five from number six last week.

Abilene Christian is up one to six, Aspermont falls from four to seven, and Hermleigh, Baird, and Brookesmith round out the top ten.


Week 7 - Big Country… And Beyond


County-By-County Winning Percentage - Week 7