Top Scoring Defenses After Week 9

Stamford stays atop the 11-man rankings this week, giving up just 7.9 points per game.

Albany stays at #2, with Hawley making a move from four to three, Jim Ned moving from five to four and Roscoe falling from three to five.

The rest of the top ten stays the same, with Hamlin falling out of a 10th place tie with Clyde to number 12.

Knox City and Westbrook flip-flop the one and two spots this week with Benjamin staying at three and Zephyr and Rising Star switching four and five.

Aspermont remains at #6, Baird is up one place to seven, ACS falls from seven to eight, Hermleigh drops from eight to nine and Highland replaces Brookesmith at #10.


Week 9 - Big Country… And Beyond