Top Scoring Offenses After Week 2
Cisco is the new leader among Big Country offenses after putting 62 points on the board last week at TLCA San Angelo.
The Loboes jump from number 7 to the top spot this week.
De Leon, the former number one, drops to three, while Abilene High stays at two.
Wylie and Eastland are new to the top 15 this week, while Winters and Ballinger dropped out.
Benjamin played after being off in week one and shot to the top of the board with their 81-point effort against Follett.
Strawn loses the top spot but only drops to three.
Woodson jumps from three to two, while Jayton drops from two to seven. Having games called at the half will do that.
Benjamin, Knox City, Paint Creek, Westbrook, and Zephyr are all new to the top 15 this week, replacing Brookesmith, Blackwell, Moran, Roby, and Rule.